Project WeBelong Together
Blogskin Usage: November2006 to April2006
Personal Ratings: 8/10
This is my first blogskin, inspired by sperms(not).
Actually was inspired by free radical/random movement of particles interspersing to create a dynamic yet simple picture.
Captions are adapted from the lyrics of We Belong Together Remix By Maria Carey.
Turqoise Green chosen because I love it! Need to explain more meh? Just doing things that I really fancy.
Boos: Links(Pictures and other webpages) do not redirect to a new window.
Small scroll bar because of the small blogskin.
Credits: PeiLi - Simplicity
--6:17 AM--
Friday, May 05, 2006
Sorry guys, perfetcLite.blogspot is undergoing prime.
It's going to take about two days, so make it 8th May.
So till then shall we meet.
tagboard here (: